Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Switzerland, an Update

I’m writing this post at the start of my final week working in Switzerland. What? Really? Where has all the time gone?

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Zürich in Two Visits

First Visit

Despite Zürich being the next closest city to where I’m living in Switzerland, I have to admit that I’ve passed through and changed trains there far more often than I’ve actually been there…#badtourist #immoreinterestedinhiking #sorrynotsorry

I’ve only been to Zürich twice, both times only for fairly short visits.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Old Building, Old Libraries: Day 2 in Prague

I had some serious formatting issues - thanks a ton, Blogger - while making this post. This is version 2.0, and I think/hope they're fixed now, but if you see more text or pictures bunched together in a way that makes no sense, please let me know!
Picture credit to Tristan.