Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Pictures of Brugg

In my last post, mentioned the nearby town of Brugg and promised you guys some pictures from the time I spent wandering and photographing the city.

I've been to Brugg several times, but apart from the evening I took these pictures I haven't properly spent any time there. If I do go there, it's usually for errands or because I'm passing through (this is generally where I switch from train to bus or vice versa when I'm going somewhere or coming home, respectively).

So, I can't tell you what there is to do in Brugg (apart from maybe watching the Euro Cup...which I may or may not have done there...) at all. My (now former) housemate, whom I also quoted in my last post, likes to say that there is nothing to do in Brugg, but I really haven't spent enough time there to say if I agree or not.

What I can say is that it's a beautiful town, with its colourful old buildings and winding cobbled alleyways...

 ...vines and flower boxes...

...brightly painted shutters...

...gardens, both public and private...

...and a river cutting through its heart

This was the only picture I took at a later date. I had a yummy picnic by the river before heading to the mountains :D.
My absolute favourite discovery in Brugg was this wonderful art-covered house. It was tricky to photograph because it was surrounded by narrow alleys, so I getting all of it into a shot was near-impossible.

I liked their dumpster a whole lot, I think you can see why! (I may have to agree...maybe...)

And, really, how can you not like a town that had lion-head fire hydrants?

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