So, I decided I'd pick out a few of my best/favourite pictures from the past year! Without further ado, here they are, in roughly chronological order:
Thursday, 19 January 2017
My Best Photography of 2016
2016, as I mentioned in my previous roundup post, was my year for photography. I bought my first (and, um, second) DSLR and really threw myself into improving my craft.
So, I decided I'd pick out a few of my best/favourite pictures from the past year! Without further ado, here they are, in roughly chronological order:
So, I decided I'd pick out a few of my best/favourite pictures from the past year! Without further ado, here they are, in roughly chronological order:
Saturday, 7 January 2017
2016 in Review
Well, my 2016 was a pretty wild year (then again, my life never gets boring, and I find myself saying that about every year...).
Without further ado, here's a quick recap!
Countries visited: 6 (including Canada)
New countries: 3 (Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and Italy)
World Heritage Sites: 5 (4 new)
Swiss Tectonic Area Sardona, Switzerland
Old City of Berne, Switzerland
Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch, Switzerland
Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy
Wartburg Castle, Germany (this one I've visited before, several times)
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